Mentor: Let's write some letters on our magic board. Gimme an "O" and a "P"
Client: OK
Mentor: No, OP! (Badum-Tsss!)
Client: [Rolls Eyes] "O-P"
Mentor: Well done. What does that word say?
[[Client Responds: /op/->Correct]]
[[Client Responds: /oep/->Miscue1]]
Mentor: I love how you saw that "P" at the end of the word. When you say /oep/, what vowel sound do you feel yourself making?
Client: /oe/
Mentor: I agree. What letter or letters would you expect to see when you feel your mouth make the /oe/ sound?
[[Client Says OE -> Miscue1.1]]
[[Client Says O -> Miscue1.2]]Mentor: I completely agree! What letter did we see infront of the "P"?
Client: Oh! That's right, it was an "O", so that says /op/
[[Correct]] Mentor: I agree, that is the name of the letter that we saw. When you say /oe/, how far down do you feel your mouth drop?
Client: About half way down
Mentor: I agree, where in the Vowel Space would we find that vowel sound?
Client: [Looks at Vowel Space] Of course! That would be "OE", not "O". So the word says /op/ instead!